Friday, February 1, 2013

Snow-ish Day

Last night I rolled in from book club at 11:30 p.m.  This was after driving 30 minutes in the snow, and making a pit stop for a stapler. Don't ask. If you know me at all, you know that 11:30 is way past my bedtime, particularly when I still have things to do.  Like, you know, prepare for  parent teacher conferences.  It was well past midnight when I went to bed and I was already having anxiety about the next morning because I didn't make time to pack lunches and assemble belongings. My trusty weather source on the Twitter assured me there would be no issues with the roads, so I settled in for a little nap.

When my alarm went off this morning, I think I said a bad word.  I lay in the bed trying to will myself out and it dawned on me to check the news station's website.  Hoping against hope I clicked on the closings link and sure enough: Davidson County Schools: closed!!!

Now, I wasn't out of the woods just yet.  We have a new policy at the preschool.  It involves autonomy in school closing decisions.  But, at least I didn't have to get Drew to school on time.  This earned me a solid half an hour. Since the children were not yet stirring-which is miraculous in and of itself-I lay very still and maybe fervently prayed for my place of work to be closed. Don't judge. I love my job.  I love my class, but sometimes you just need a day off. Finally word came in-no school today!  Well, I was so energized by the news, that I sprang out of bed and bounded downstairs to tell my now stirring children.

Drew burst into tears.

Bless that kid's heart.  I love him so much.  He is one of the most earnest and intense kids I know.  He had gotten out of bed, put on his "standard attire" and put his pjs on over his clothes (just like the teacher asked) in preparation for "hibernation day". Drew's teacher is AH-MAZING. And Fridays are almost always special in her class.  Drew could not wait to bring his flashlight and his beloved Ribbit to school with him (we were especially relieved when we found out frogs do, in fact, hibernate).

It was a difficult moment.  My elation was difficult to hide. Drew was annoyed with me that I would in any way be happy about the situation. I promised fun and togetherness and a blissful snow day.

I did not deliver.

I've had some sort of crud brewing for a couple of days. When I sat down on the couch for snuggles and shows, I absolutely could not keep my eyes open. By midday I was barely coherent.  I managed to get my kids settled in for rest time just moments before I passed out hard core on the couch.  I was hoping to zip around and be productive and fun.  I was exactly the opposite of zippy. I finally took some serious meds laced with some serious caffeine and determined to save the day.  How did I do that? Simple.  First, I put new batteries in an old video camera and handed it over to Drew (BEST.MOM.EVER) and then we went to Target for dinner and shopping for Valentines paraphernalia.

I asked Drew if he had a fun day with me.  He gave me the "so-so" hand signal! Ha! And so now we're on sickness watch 2013. All manner of sickness has been plaguing the preschool this week including, but not limited to: pneumonia, bronchitis, stomach bugs and flu.  I am hoping for a good old fashioned cold.

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