Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Project Monday...err...Tuesday

Yeah. So.

I didn't get this up yesterday. It was our first "full day" at school yesterday which means the first full day of lunch time with a new batch of kids. Let me say this: 1) I am smitten with my new class. In love. They're the best. 2) Meal time at school is about as much fun as meal time at home. And we all know how I feel about that. So, I'm was semi-comatose by last night. It was hard work not maiming my children yesterday afternoon (and by my children I mean, my own two...) because let me just say, they were in a mood. But. I'm here now. So, without further ado...

Have you ever wished the fairy would show up to your house while you're out and take care of some things you just don't have time for or don't want to do?? Well. The fairy stopped by my place last Friday. While I was gone to school a very kind, amazing friend came by and painted the REST OF THE LAUNDRY ROOM. I'm going to let you just sit with that for a moment...


A couple of weeks ago this friend approached me and asked me if I would let her do this for me. I was stunned. My inclination as a good southern girl was to say no. But, I am in a season of learning to ask for help. I'm in a season of understanding the whole "hands and feet of Christ" thing as a receiver. Which takes much more humility than the "hands and feet of Christ" giver role. I knew in my heart I was supposed to say yes to this person. I immediately started thinking of ways I could pay this person back. Amazing gesture for amazing gesture, you know? But the still small voice reminded me to let go. So I did. AND MY LAUNDRY ROOM IS PAINTED. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm praying and praying that the Lord will give me the opportunity to bless this person as well. But He has told me clearly, it can't be from a place of wanting to "repay".

This person reads my blog. This person is reading right now. To you, painting fairy, THANK YOU. I can never say it enough, because this has been about so much more than just the paint on the walls. It's been a teaching moment for my children. It's been a part of the trust journey I am on with the Lord. Every time I walk into the laundry (which is a lot!) I pray for you, and your situation, and the place the Lord has you right now.

The painting fairy made me promise I would not reveal their identity. This person was even specific-no blogging! Which, I'll admit was a bummer, because I pretty much had the post all written in my head! =) So, don't ask me. I'm a horrible liar. =)

I have no pictures yet because my camera is locked in my file cabinet at work. And plus, I sort of wanted to add one more thing before the next picture. It is such amazing fun when I walk in there now. The color is bright and cheerful, and because of this person's blessing of me, I encounter HIM each time I walk in.

Great is His faithfulness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how God shows us the gospel tangibly time and time again. So grateful for the painting fairy, whoever they may be. I am thankful for the heart being formed in you--I LOVE YOU DEEPLY!
Jen pink