Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We have an interesting phenomenon around here this time of year. It's called the birthday/Christmas vortex. I'm pretty familiar with this particular vortex, because I have a December birthday. I swore my whole life I would never have a baby in December. Hmph. Funny how things change when you're desperate to get pregnant!! Ha! That's right! Drew's birthday is this month and he will be TWO. Sniff, sniff. Most of you know that the first year of Drew's life was pretty tough. Daniel and I were having a major celebration when we crossed that 1 year mark. It was a slow year. And I pretty much wanted to slap everyone who kept saying, "Enjoy it! It goes by sooo fast!" Really? Because from what I could tell it was dragging at a snail's pace.

But now, oh but now, I get it. The past year has FLOWN by. It seems like just yesterday that we were having that first party and I swear I blinked and the summer was gone. Yeesh. Well, more on that in a later post about the actual birthday! Back to the vortex...

So, it's weird trying to juggle the holiday season and a birthday. My mom was great at this, and always worked really hard to make our birthdays special (and by our, I mean, my birthday and my sister's birthday-1 day apart, both in December!!) We have very early December birthdays while Drew has a middle of December birthday. And so the rub. I can't very well wait until the middle of December to start putting up Christmas can I??? Considering it took me a full week to get it up this year, I'd be pushing getting it done in time for the big guy to show up!! So, I'm riding two rails at the same time and both are moving at super duper speed. We did manage to carve out a little time to trim the tree together. Like most things that involve a two year old boy, it wasn't what I would call "picturesque", but it sure was funny! Here are some pics from the big event. (I apologize for the crappy nature of the pictures. I got a new camera for my birthday (!!) and I'm still getting it figured out.

Drew also had his first taste of eggnog! (Kid friendly, of course!) In this first picture you can see the look of skepticism on his face:

But he loved it, of course, and wanted more and more! Cheers!

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