Friday, June 7, 2013

The Kids-Part 1

Wait. Before I update you on my bebes, I need to make an addendum to my last post. I know what you're thinking. How can there possibly be an addendum after so.many.words? But there is.

I forgot to say the very best part of my new job! The very best part is that I am working with my sister, Katy. She is also on the Children's Ministry staff so we are like, for real, working together. And it is about 26 different kinds of fabulous.

Shew. That's been bugging me all week.

I did want to put up a few current pictures and tell a few current stories about my two sweeties. I'll shoot straight-the month of May about did us in. It was a close call. But, we made it to summer and we have already been busy having loads of fun.

Let's start with my favorite boy on the planet. Here he is on his last day of kindergarten. Sniff.

I don't even know where to start with this kid. Talk about brave. Drew has faced SO many first time experiences this year and has handled every one of them like a champ! Not only is he brave, he is kind. His teacher reported that kids in the class like him because he is a good, loyal, kind friend. Man. There are no sweeter words to a mama's ears. I know that as the years go by those attributes may not make him "popular", but I pray every day he finds a way to hold on to that tender heart.

Besides conquering the big, bad world of for real school, Drew also decided he wanted to play baseball this year. I'm not gonna lie. I was skeered. Not about him getting hurt physically, but I was worried about his little spirit. Much like his mom, Drew likes to be awesome at things right out of the shoot. Taking karate has really helped with this-shown him that hard work and practice really do make you better. We managed to get him on a team with three of his best buddies from class. All of whom had played baseball before. Eek! Also, the coach decided to go ahead and move the team up to the "machine pitch" league. Folks, we do not joke around about baseball in Bellevue! At first, this only added to my terror, but it actually worked out for the best. Mostly because zero kids on his team could hit the ball at all. Y'all. It was a looooong season. We won exactly no games. We cheered like maniacs when a kid hit the ball. AT ALL. But Drew loved every minute. He is in full sports obsession mode. This started with football last summer and has now grown to include any and all sports. In case you've missed it, Drew, um, HONES IN, on whatever is interesting to him at the moment. All, and I mean all, of our conversations somehow end up back around to sports. Which, I must say, I'm much more well versed in than the last obsession-Star Wars.

I am absolutely loving the stage he is in. I could spend every waking minute with him and not get tired of it. He is beyond helpful, smart, insightful and so loving. I love playing backyard baseball with him and I love when he still snuggles me up when we're together on the couch. He only gets 2 months off for summer and I'm doing everything I can to soak up every second.

Can I tell you a secret? I started this post LAST WEEK. But it was taking a sweet forever for my pictures to load, so I did what I do when things get a wee bit hard. I bailed. Just shut my computer and walked away. True story. So, I'll be back for part 2 at some point. I can't wait to tell you about Emily. Prepare yourselves. There will be words. Lots of words.

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