Thursday, March 3, 2011

In Case You Missed It...

If you are reading this post, there's a slight possibility you missed the rapture. When I tell you what happened today, especially in light of yesterday's post, you are going to be convinced the end is at least near, if it has not come. Maybe those billboards are right...

We had an amazing day today. I have a to-do list miles long, but I was craving time-quality time-with my kids. I have worked a ton this week (all you full-time working mommas feel free to make fun) and this was our first day home together in a while. Drew has decided that he is super into hiking and, ya'll? There is nothing in life that makes me happier. I am the happiest when I am in the woods. I live, literally, minutes from a state park. Today I thought, "Why haven't I been doing this more often?" I've been sort of judging myself lately for "losing who I am" and things of that nature. There's a lot wrapped up in that crazy burrito, but mostly? I've been having babies! Drew is just now really big enough to get out there and tackle nature without breaking down after a few minutes. So, I let myself off the hook and just felt happy we were out there today. Drew's favorite part of hiking is picking the trail and following the arrows. We did have a few moments of confusion as he looked at an arrow and said, "Uh, mom? If we go up we'll be in the trees!" We had a little lesson on how if the arrow points up it means straight. And then I told him, "Get used to it son. Lots of things in life are just plain confusing."

Emily rides in my fancy carrier on my back. It feels just like carrying a pack and this, too, takes me to my happy place. Only a pack that talks baby talk and pats your back is way better than carrying stinky socks and hiking food! We did have a *little* trouble learning how to get her in the pack in the back riding position. After a few practice sessions at home she would shriek any time I pulled the pack out. We pushed through, and now we're pros. Well, at least getting her in. Getting her out is still rather precarious. Today I had to do it in front of about 10 other moms (one of whom was wearing the exact carrier) and I tried to be nonchalant. I was all "Sure, I just swing her around by one arm all the time..."

After our hike we played on the nature playground and headed home for lunch. Drew was in such a good mood. Being outside does that boy a world of good. With that in mind we took a long walk to the grocery and the hardware store after nap time.

It was at the grocery store, at the check-out no less, where the miracle occurred. We were in the u-scan line, and you know how finicky the u-scan computer lady is. I had just finished hissing at Drew to stay off the platform with the bags or the whole system would be screwed up for who knows how long. Or something along those lines. As I was finishing up my order, Drew tugged on my shirt and said, I kid you not, these exact words:

"Mama, I love you so much. You do lots of nice things for me, and I am thankful for you."

And then the shofar blew and the heavens opened.

When I came to, I glanced around. There were witnesses! Actual other live grown-ups who heard him say this!

I couldn't help but get tickled. Remember how I said motherhood constantly catches me off guard?? It was almost like I could see God wink at me. Just when you think you have it all figured out...

Amazing what happens when you just let go.

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