Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy President's Day

Guess who rolled up to the bank today ready to take care of some transactions? Yep. That would be me. The bank is obviously not open today-it's President's Day!! I also went to the post office, but they have a handy-dandy self serve lobby that is always open. And then, I didn't feel so dumb when three different people walked straight up to the post office door and yanked. No dice, guys, it's President's Day! I have to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of the half holiday. And by half holiday I mean those holidays that only like 4 people get off work for. Let's either do it or not, you know? If we're gonna celebrate let's all the have day off-specifically my husband! Ha!

Speaking of husband almost had a heart attack last night. We were hanging out in the living room and Fox News was on (anyone shocked??) and President Obama came on the screen. Drew shouted out, "Obama!" (Which hilariously sounded like "Hot Mama") I have never seen Daniel's head whip around so fast. A-hahahahaha! I'm still laughing about it today. He said, "How does he know who that is??" Well, since my son says, "What's that?" about 10,000 times a day... When he asked who it was one day, I told him. I guess he remembered. Hee hee.

And so, today, when I was muttering under my breath at the bank because of my stupidity, I said, "The bank's closed. It's President's Day!" Drew promptly replied, "Obama!"


SamHam said...

This is my favorite post yet.

I taught him to chant "Obama!" :)

Only kidding!

khull05 said...

Sam! i hoped you would catch this one! I knew you'd be proud. ;)