Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to Schooooool...

I'm not even going to apologize for missing my "Project Monday" post. Wanna know why? I'M FREAKING BUSY!! And, just to brag a tiny bit, I have actually put paint on the wall!!! Just one wall, but still. And I hung up my shelf. So, if you close one eye and almost close the other one, my laundry room looks amazing! I promise I'll update you on it soon. I know you're burning to know.

The past week of my life has been completely nuts. Nuts, I say. On last Friday I finished up summer school (have I said that already??) and took the kids to an outdoor movie. Really funny story there because the movie was supposed to be "The Yearling" and it was actually "The Computer Wears Shoes". Yes, it's a real movie. Yes, I'm sure you've never heard of it, because WHO HAS?? I dare you to IMDB it and find out who stars in it.

Saturday I went to my first day of graduate school. In sum, it was very good. I think I might just be able to pull this off...

On Monday, I started back to work. We have spent two entire work days discussing procedure, policy, assessments, and licensure. I'll just say it's a really good thing I met with my classroom moms on Tuesday night. Otherwise, I might have quit. OH, I kid. But I will say the policy is not really what gets me going about the job. Apparently, though, it is for our new DHS evaluator. I'm going to leave this topic alone because she probably has my blog tapped, but suffice it to say, my neck was red the whole time she talked. What can I say? It is what it is.

She said that approximately 6,000 times. "It is what it is."

This time next week I will have had the chance to meet each of my students. I'm super, super excited. And while my room is still in a bit of disarray, it's leaps and bounds ahead of where it was this time last year. So happy to be beyond my first year.

Last night-well, at 5, does that count as night or what?-I was falling asleep driving home. I think this is probably not a good sign. I climbed into bed around 7:35 (which would be 5 minutes after I put Drew to bed) and attempted to finish a movie I started on Netflix about a week ago. It's not good, but it won an Oscar and I feel like I should finish it. It hearkens back to the time I read "Love in the Time of Cholera" and swore to myself I would never waste any more time forcing myself to read a book just because it was critically acclaimed. I think I may need to establish the same rule for movies...

I made it about 15 minutes before I was dead asleep. Nothing like a solid 11 hours of sleep to get you going. Or to make you wish you were still know...whichever.

SO much to catch you up on. I'm going to do a marathon download of pictures really soon. Maybe...

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