Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Jesus

A couple of nights ago, Drew and Daniel were hanging out downstairs looking a his Bible. (This is one of those Bibles with the crazy cartoon characters in them. ) Usually, you don't get much further than Zacchaeus-Drew's current favorite Bible story/song. Apparently, though, he and Dan spent some time talking about Baby Jesus. Ever since, we talk about Baby Jesus several times a day.

Sunday night we went out to the Opryland Hotel to visit Grandad who was there for a conference. It was really amazing to see all the beautiful decorations. I was pretty giddy over it all, and so was Drew. We got a tad lost while looking for the right entrance and we drove by a huge nativity scene. I made the mistake of saying, "Look Drew! Baby Jesus!" Well. He was a man obsessed. He kept talking about wanting to see Baby Jesus, and I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that we might have to trek outside in the freezing cold to see Him. Because, can you really tell your 2 year old, "No honey, sorry, it's too cold to go see Baby Jesus. I mean, I know Mary rode on a donkey 9 months pregnant and gave birth in a barn (which takes on a whole new meaning once you've actually given birth!), but it's a tad chilly...?" No. You can't. But lucky for me there was ANOTHER Baby Jesus inside. It was a thrilling moment for him for sure! Ha!

If there's anything I don't mind hearing Drew say a thousand times a day it's Baby Jesus. Merry Christmas!!

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