Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's freaking 2010! I'm in shock. I have no idea how an entire 10 years has passed in the blink of an eye.

It has been a year, that's for sure. It's weird, because as I browse around cyberspace-mom blogs and facebook-it seems like 2009 has been pretty rough for most people. We have definitely had a challenging year, with many life changes coming that we could not have predicted. If you look back at our year only on the surface, it would appear to be a horrible one. But, it really wasn't. We went through a lot of things that I did not share on the blog. Since there are 8 of you reading, you already knew it all! It was hard, but there was something amazing about it, too.

Yesterday I read this post from Beth Moore. I gasped when I read it because it so perfectly described our season of hardness over the summer. This quote sums it up for me:

"Maybe you didn't see His face. Maybe you weren't even positive at times He was there. But now, as you look over your shoulder at the months behind you, the fog clears and you get a glimpse of His back, leading the way to your exodus."
Shew. I get chills just reading that again.

But 2009 was more than just a year of trials. It was a year of amazing blessing in our family. All three of these precious creatures came to us this year:

Wade Patrick

Sullivan James

Emily Elizabeth

Big Dan and I had a fabulous vacation (and came back with more than just a tan!! 10 months later Emily arrived!) Drew and I had the summer of fun. I grew vegetables. So many amazing things about our year.

When I look back at the pictures of Drew from this time last year, it's astounding how much he has changed. Two years old to three years old is a lot of growing up. No more paci, big boy bed, started school. It makes my heart ache just a little.

A year is nothing to sniff at. I know that I am not prepared for all that 2010 will bring. I'm excited and scared and hopeful. There are many things I want to accomplish in my own life in 2010. A post about my "resolutions" is coming soon. This morning Drew and I were talking about resolutions. I asked him if there was anything he definitely wanted to do this year. His answer? "Play and go to Katy's." Lofty goals if I do say so myself.

Happy New Year! And a virtual toast, hoping your year brings blessings and joy-in whatever form the Lord chooses to give them in.

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